As Ehab found in the project example above, many cladding manufacturers only provide the cladding itself. They leave the support framing and attachment for you to figure out. Don’t worry – that’s not how we do things… we have you covered with our complete Open-Joint Porcelain Cladding System (“OJ-PC system”).
That means less risk for you and your client since we provide your entire exterior cladding and support system and give you a 10-year warranty.
Our OJ-PC system has been used and tested for over 20 years – on hundreds of project types and conditions. So, you can sleep at night knowing it’ll work for you. Freeing you up to focus on those 1,000 other decisions you need to make.
And here are just three ways our exterior porcelain cladding system can help you deliver a more efficient and effective exterior envelope for your client’s building.

An Effective Drainage, Thermal & Acoustical Solution
One goal for your client’s building envelope design is to ensure maximum energy savings and noise reduction.
Our OJ-PC system gives you an ideal solution — while preserving the beauty of the exterior porcelain cladding. And its design lets you use the OJ-PC system on new construction or to renovate or re-clad an existing building.
The system is classified as a Drained/Back Ventilated Rainscreen. Its open cladding joints, continuous insulation, and thermally broken support system help you:
- Keep bad weather out to reduce mold through efficient heat and moisture removal — improving indoor air quality for the building users and mitigating your building structure’s deterioration.
- Achieve R-values from 9.1 to 24 – retaining more heat in cold months, keeping cooler in warm months.
- Reduce outside noises by 10-15 dB – another way you can contribute to healthier indoor environments.

Engineered to Perform
Over the years, we’ve engineered the OJ-PC system to help you meet the increasing code demands:
- Allowing for thermal expansion movement, so it’s ready for your most extreme conditions.
- Resisting wind loads up to 213 mph to protect your building’s occupants and valuable contents.
- Self-leveling makes the system easier for installers, without shimming or other dangerous practices
- Its self-supporting system weighing only 6 lbs/SF to minimize the impact on your building’s structure.
You’ll also get a Class A Fire Rating, meaning you can use the system as an interior wall finish, while meeting NFPA 285 for your exterior finish.

Design Flexibility
You get design flexibility for the façade look you need. Our goal was to design a cladding system that lets you bring all your design ideas and inspirations to life.
And we feel we succeeded at that… (Dig deeper and we think you’ll agree!)
The system can be modified and customized for any project type you have on the boards – from residential and commercial projects to multi-family or high-rise buildings. We have a technical team to help you find the right porcelain cladding solution for your facade design.
The versatility of ventilated facades made of porcelain…
The environmentally friendly principle behind its chimney effect…
And the superior performance of porcelain…
All this combines to make our Open-Joint Porcelain Cladding System the perfect exterior envelope option for a new or existing building. By creating several protective layers around your building’s exterior envelope. And, since our system is all provided by a single manufacturer, you get a turnkey solution with a better warranty.
Until next time, keep growing your garden with beautiful building facades…
Thank you,
Your Partners in Design at

1) Sign up for our Virtual Online Lunch & Learn CEU presentation.
Sign up here for our presentation called, “Ventilated Façade System for Buildings.”
You’ll earn 1 AIA HSW CEU, and you’ll learn more about when & how to use a ventilated façade, as well as the advantages you’ll get using a ventilated façade over using other cladding systems.
2) Contact us for a free, no-obligation project consultation.
Go here to schedule a no-obligation call. Get to know us and share your vision for your project. If this project isn’t a great fit, we’ll just let each other know. And part as new BFFs looking forward to the next chance to work together.
SIGN UP Or you can always give us a call at 201-712-0556 (x2218)!
3) See if your project is a good fit for our Design Assist service.
Check out our two-page Design Assist Services description here to help understand a bit more about this awesome way we can work together.
The TL;DR version: If your project meets just two simple requirements, our complimentary Design Assist service will help ensure your façade design’s success, while saving your design team time, money, and headaches.
Check it out today!